Nutrition Education Program (NEP)

Nutrition Education Program (NEP)

Nutrition Education Program (NEP)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program



Brrr. It’s been a cold start to the year so far and although I have enjoyed the snow days and being home with my kids when our office was closed, I am dreaming of a warm spring day with flowers blooming and clear blue skies. Unfortunately with snow and cold comes lots of cancellations and closures so most of my programming for the month was canceled but I was able to start cooking through the calendar at the Estill County Public Library on January 17th. We only had a few brave the cold but we had fun cooking and trying the Split pea Soup. Don’t worry, if you would like to try that recipe with me I will be doing Cooking through the Calendar here at the Extension office on January 31st from 12-1pm.

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