4-H Summer Camp

Event Description
4-H Summer Camp 2023
"Time Warp" June 6 - June 9
4-H Camp cost is $275 per camper, but thanks to generous donations from local contributors the cost is $80 for Estill County residents only (includes $40 non-refundable application fee)!
Camp cost covers all lodging, meals, t-shirt, activities and class fees.
Location: J.M. Feltner 4-H Camp London, KY
4-H Summer Camp is for youth ages 9-15. Youth ages 16-17 can apply to serve as Junior Counselors.
Dear Parent/Guardian and Camper:
Please read and fill out this application entirely before returning it to the Estill County Extension Office with your $40
non-refundable application fee. Remember that camp and classes are filled on a first come-first served basis and we do expect a full camp again this year!
· Campers do not have to be currently enrolled in 4-H to attend summer camp. Camp is open to youth ages
9-15 (must turn 9 by May 26, 2023) or youth going into 4th grade in the fall of 2023. Youth ages 16-17 can apply to serve as Junior Counselors (JCs). Applications are available at the Extension Office.
· Camp registration is $80.00 (this includes a non-refundable $40 application fee) and includes all meals, lodging, transportation, use of equipment at camp, a camp tee-shirt and class fees. All campers will stay in cabins with
10-20 other youth and at least one adult and one teen leader.
· Payments can be set up with a total balance due no later than Friday, May 19th. If the youth receives a scholarship, amounts pre-paid over the amount of the scholarship awarded will be returned—except the $40 deposit.
· We expect to have a limited number of scholarships available again this year. The number of scholarships available is dependent upon the number of donations received. Please complete and return scholarship application to apply. All scholarship applications must be received no later than April 17th! All aspects of the scholarship application must be completed. Incomplete scholarship applications will be voided.
· No refunds will be given AFTER May 19th. $40 application fee is non-refundable.
· Please complete and return all parts of the health form along with front and back copies of medical insurance card.
(Physicals are no longer required.)
· All campers and at least one parent/guardian must attend a mandatory Camper Orientation at the Extension Office. Campers will receive class schedules and cabin assignments at this meeting. Date and time to be announced later.
· Any parent or adult wishing to attend camp should contact the Extension Office for a registration packet. All adults must undergo a background check, reference check, interview, and be approved by the Client Protection Committee before attending 4-H Camp. There is no charge for adults wishing to attend 4-H Camp. Please contact your 4-H Agent for more information.
We look forward to another fun and exciting summer camp this year!
Taylor Miles
Estill County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development