Estill County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences August 2024

Estill County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences August 2024

Estill County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences August 2024

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Estill County Cooperative Extension - Family & Consumer Sciences
August 2024

Summer is starting to come to an end.  Homemaker lessons will be starting back this month.  They will be presented on the forth Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the office.  The first one is Savvy Online Shopping.  September’s lesson will be Gardening Safely.  Homemaker meetings will be starting up again in September as well. 
October 11th is the Bluegrass Annual Homemaker Meeting in Powell County.  The flyer and registration form is included in this months newsletter.  The form needs to be returned to the Estill County Extension Office with food choice and payment by September 11th.
See all upcoming events in the newsletter.
Have a great August!
If you have any questions or program ideas, you may contact me at my e-mail or by calling the Estill County Extension office at 606-723-4557.
/s/ Judy Vaughn
County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences

Dates of Interest

  • August 8th—Homemaker Officer Training
  • August 8th—Financial Education Class 5:00 p.m.
  • August 27th—Savvy Online Shopping at 4:00 p.m.
  • August 28th—Laugh and Learn 10:30 at the library
  • September 2nd—Labor Day, Office Closed
  • September 5th—In the Face of Disaster—Are You Prepared?  Estill County 12:00 and Madison County 5:00
  • September 24th—Gardening Safely at 4:00 p.m.
  • October 11th—Bluegrass Annual Homemaker Meeting in Powell County
  • October 15th—Brain Health/Alzheimer's Awareness Lunch and Learn

Homemakers News

Hello Estill Homemakers,

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  We have been busy.
We took a trip as an Estill Homemaker group to Wilson’s Nursery and Sage Café in July.  We saw lots of pretty plants and flowers, visited their butterfly habitat, and ate in their Café.  It was an enjoyable day to socialize, shop, and enjoy good food.  We hope to plan more adventures in the coming year.  Let us know any trip ideas you think would be enjoyed by the group.
We have also had some learning lessons from our agent.  I attended a recent Lunch and Learn about Fall Prevention.  There were guests from Apex Physical Therapy presenting what programs they have available and we enjoyed good food.  Judy has more learning opportunities planned this year for anyone who would like to join us and learn new things.  In August she will be having a Financial lesson.
Meetings will resume in September so stay tuned.  We currently have a few different groups that meet, and we hope to grow our memberships and groups this year.  Any ideas for a new group please let us know.  We are working on forming a group to meet once a month at the Irvine School Apartments.  I am looking forward to all the new things coming up this year.
Bluegrass area is working on the Bluegrass Area Homemakers Meeting.  It will be held in October in Powell County this year.  We have taken a group the past couple of years to Madison and Nicholas Counties and hopefully some of you will be able to attend this year aa well.  Information and sign up can be found in this newsletter.
Hope to see you all at many of our exciting events!

Rebecca Lamb
Estill County Homemaker - President

Bluegrass Annual Meeting will be held on October 11, 2024 in Powell County.  We will take the van or vans.  Registration information is in the newsletter. 

Flyer detailing the Bluegrass Area Extension Homemaker Annual Meeting October 11, 2024 in Powell County, Kentucky
Registration form for the Bluegrass Area Extension Homemakers Annual Meeting October 11, 2024 in Powell County, Kentucky
August 27 Meeting flyer on Online Grocery Shopping
September Emergency Preparedness Flyer